Research on code-mixing and code-switching is very important in sociolinguistic studies in the multicultural Indonesian society. Code switching is the use of two or more languages or language varie…
Code switching is a phenomenon in bilingual or multilingual in community, for example in Indonesia where people use more than one language to communicate, including in the teaching and learning p…
Social networking is a network of social interactions and personal relationship that helps us to communicate to each other easily. An example of social networking is Facebook, which has the largest…
English is a tool used for global communication in this era, it is also called as an international language where people from different countries use it to communicate each other. When bilinguals s…
This study investigates the types of code switching based on Poplack’s (1980) theories and Hoffmann’s (1991) theories about the reasons for code switching. This study was conducted at SMPN 2 Wa…
This research is to analyze code switching that is produced by Farah Quinn in “Ala chef” cooking programme as one of television programs in Trans TV. The main purpose of this study is to get in…