Speaking is one of the four important skills in English skills because speaking is the ability that requires the process of communicative competence, pronunciation, intonation, grammar, and vocabu…
For students, English learning is very important for them because mastering English mean that students can use English orally and in written form. Writing is one of the most important skills in te…
In order to solve the students’ problem and enhance their writing ability, a teacher has to be able to provide some techniques that can involve students in practicing writing and also give moti…
Speaking skill is frequently viewed as a critical skill for second language learners because speaking skill is always associated with the success or failure of someone mastering English However, …
Obstacle merupakan unsur penting yang harus ada pada sebuah game karena selain memberikan manfaat, obstacle juga dapat mempengaruhi minat pemain saat bermain game. Bentuk dari obstacle pada sebua…
Sains untuk pendidikan anak usia dini merupakan pembelajaran yang sangat penting untuk memberikan bekal ilmu pengetahuan kepada anak tentang alam dan segala isinya yang memberikan makna terhadap ke…
Speaking is one of the language skills that should be taught besides the other skills which have to be mastered by the students at junior high school. The students of seventh grade at SMP Darul Mut…
English is one of the foreign languages as the international language in Indonesia, which has an important role in the world of education. In the learning process, English has four skills they ar…
Writing is one of the basic language skills that must be mastered in language learning. Through writing, the students can interpret and express ideas, feelings, and experiences. Nevertheless, the s…
This study was carried out to improve the students’ descriptive writing skill by using dictogloss strategy at the first grade in the second semester of SMA Negeri 1 Kutorejo Mojokerto academic ye…