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An Analysis Of Politeness Strategies Used In Barack Obama’ Speech At Democratic National Convention 2016
In the world of politics, it is very necessary to be polite in communicating, because politics is related to leadership, where is a politician when conveying his ideas can be accepted and understood by the community, people can feel comfortable, have trust, and become role models for the community. However, today, there are still many politicians who still act impolitely. Therefore, in this study, the researcher would like to analyze the politeness strategy used in Barack Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention 2016. There are two research questions of this study, they are: (1) What are the types of politeness strategies used in Barack Obama’ Speech at the Democratic National Convention 2016? (2) What are the functions of politeness strategies used in Barack Obama’Speech at the Democratic National Convention 2016?
In conducting the research, the researcher used the descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this research is Barack Obama as former president of the united stated of American. The data collection technique was documentation. The study focuses on analyzing the types and the functions of the politeness strategy used by Barack Obama. The theory of Brown and Levinson is used for finding the types and the functions of politeness strategy in Barack Obama's video speech on YouTube. The data validity used triangulation technique.
Through the data analysis, the researcher found out there are 53 data of po-liteness strategies. The First type was positive politeness, it happened 38 times. The second was bald on record occurred 9 times, the third was negative politeness happened 4 times, and the last was off record occurred 2 times. Based on the re-sult of this research positive politeness strategy is mostly used in the speech. Barack Obama used this strategy because it is one of the formal events that at-tended by many people. The purpose of some utterances Barack Obama is to at-tract the attention of the audiences, to build the spirit of the audiences, to ask for support, to give confidence to the interlocutor, to hope, a positive attitude of the audience towards the government, and to use this strategy to maintain social rela-tions between the speaker and the audience.
After the researcher found and discussed the problem, the researcher made conclusion of the research finding and discussion, there are all the types of polite-ness strategies used based of theory’s Brown and Levinson (1987). This research suggest to student to know more about pragramitic aspect the use of politeness strategy in order to make their knowledge about English getting increase.The re-searcher really expect that this research can help the future researchers who wants to conduct in the same field especially politeness strategy.
21345683/SB/2024 | KKI 420 ENN a/s | Perpustakaan Unikama | Tersedia |
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