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Pengaruh Penggunaan Ekstrak Kunyit dan Jahe Aditif Pakan Terhadap Mortalitas dan Income Over Feed Cost Ayam Pedaging
This research was carried out at conducted from Mei 31st to July 7th 2010 Field Laboratory of Animal Husbandry Kanjuruhan University. The purpose of this research was to find out effect of in broiler feed on mortality and income over feed cost. The materials used for this research were of age 100 male strain Loghman, basal feed BR-1 SP produced PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. All performance data collected from the experiment were statistically analyzed by using analysis of variance for a complete randomized design by using five treatments, namely; (P0 = ration without Curcuma domestica and Zingiber officinale, P1 = ration with 0,2% Curcuma domestica and Zingiber officinale, P2 = ration with 0,4% Curcuma domestica and Zingiber officinale, P3 = ration with 0,6% Curcuma domestica and Zingiber officinale and P4 = ration with 0,8 Curcuma domestica and Zingiber officinale). Feed and water ad libitum. Every treatment was repeated 4 times, with 5 chicks each. The result showed that Curcuma domestica and Zingiber officinale addition in broiler feed has no effect (P>0,05% ) on mortality and income over feed cost. Average mortality (%) of P0, P1, P3, P4 and P2 were 25.00%, 12,50%, 5,00%, 2,50% and 2,50% respectively. Income over feed cost (Rp/birds) of P4, P1, P2, P3 and P0 were 16.076,50, 15.383,50, 15.207,50, 14.789,50 and 14.179,00 respectively. It is suggested to use 0,8% Curcuma domestica and Zingiber offcinale in broiler water to improve it’s performance.
0079/SB | KKI 636 ARI p/s | Perpustakaan Unikama | Tersedia |
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