Writing skill is one of language basic skills which students should master. Yet, many students fail in their learning to master writing skill because of they have no interest to write. This conditi…
The focus on this study the researcher tries to analyze a novel, especially in the main character social conflict. The researcher hopes that this analyze can be useful to enrich our knowledge in li…
Kualitas kehidupan bangsa sangat ditentukan oleh faktor pendidikan, peran pendidikan sangat penting untuk menciptakan kehidupan cerdas, damai, terbuka dan demokratis. Namun fakta menunjukkan bahwa …
Reading should become the main emphasis in English teaching program in Indonesia, particularly for Vocational High School students, so many problems found in teaching reading process. Therefore, te…
This thesis is aimed at implementation of short dialogues in teaching speaking to improve the students’ speaking skill at the first grade of SMP Negeri 4 Lawang. The subject of the study is the f…
Reading is one of many ways to open our mind and get knowledge, thus, it is very important for students in learning English. Reading is getting boring subject for students in seventh level in SMP N…
Reading is an activity to understand what the text contains. As one of the language skills, reading contributes to the success of language learning together with the other skills. Reading enables s…